Alexandra and Jessica from our team ranked in top 10 of a prestigious law competition    

We are delighted that Alexandra Dogandzhiyska and Jessica Spasova from the YNG Legal team have returned from their participation in the Telders International Law Moot Court 2024 – Europe’s most prestigious international law competition. Alex and Jessica, together with Svetlana Slavcheva and Dian Stavrev, their fourth-year Law colleagues at Sofia University represented Bulgaria at the competition. 

The team finished in the top 10 of the best universities and Alex and Jessica also made the list of the best oralists. Their coaches were Nadia Denkova and Ioanna Chenalova – students from upper years who have considerable experience in similar competitions.  

The University of Cologne, Inner Temple College in London, Dublin University and the University of Timisoara were among the universities the Sofia University team faced. 

“This experience was an unparalleled opportunity to gain practical experience in the field of International Law, to go in depth on current social and political issues related to today’s political reality in a global perspective,” shared Alexandra, paralegal at YNG legal.

Jessica (leftmost, seated) and Alexandra (rightmost, seated), together with their Sofia University teammates at Telders International Moot Court 2024.
Jessica (leftmost, seated) and Alexandra (rightmost, seated), together with their Sofia University teammates at Telders International Moot Court 2024.

The Telders International Law Moot Court Competition has been held since 1977 in The Hague, the Netherlands, at the local campus of Leiden University and at the so-called Peace Palace – the headquarters of the International Court of Justice of the United Nations. The aim is to give students the opportunity to build upon their theoretical and practical knowledge in the course of preparing for and participating in a simulated litigation between different countries. Telders also aims to promote teamwork and European integration.     

This year’s case was about the dispute of three fictitious states with claims to the so-called island of Hermet, which dispute develops into a serious conflict. Each year, the simulated trial is put before a simulated court at a level at which in real life it would be put before the UN’s International Court of Justice. National student teams are assigned to represent the states substantively both in writing and through pleadings before the so-called moot courts. The students’ work is reviewed by legal experts, including actual judges from the real UN International Court of Justice, professors of law and lawyers. 

The Hermett Island case confronted contestants with topics such as the jurisdiction of international courts and tribunals, incidental proceedings, the authority of advisory opinions, the law of armed conflict, the law of treaties, the law of the sea, and the law of state responsibility. 

“One of the most significant lessons we have learned is that success is much more satisfying when you have someone to share it with! We are especially grateful for our amazing team, with whom we shared months of preparation and many sleepless nights,” shared Jessica, also a paralegal at our team.

Att. Ivan Yankov is now officially listed as a mediator

Att. Ivan Yankov is now officially listed as a mediator

The managing partner of YNG Legal Attorney-at-law Ivan Yankov was just officially listed as a mediator in the The Unified Register of Mediators of the Minister of Justice of Bulgaria. 

Besides being a qualified lawyer with many years of experience and a licensed intellectual property appraiser, Att. Yankov has also undergone special training in mediation. 

Ivan is the second mediator colleague in the team after associate Iveta Ivanova, who was already certified when she joined the team.

We would especially like to thank Academy “Sporazumeniya” (Agreements) and Sevdalina Alexandrova – one of the founders and teachers at the Academy. Not only was the training filled with meaningful content, but the process was easy and purposeful.


Mediation is a way to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, within or outside of court proceedings. This process is conducted by a mediator – a third party neutral to the dispute, who aims to assist the disputing parties in reaching the optimal resolution of the issues in question. Mediators, in addition to being good intermediaries, need to be specially trained and selected before they are officially registered. 

The listing of Att. Ivan Yankov in the Unified Register of Mediators is a testimony to his high level of training in various areas of law and its accompanying activities. Anyone who chooses to try to reach a settlement can do so with the help of Att. Yankov.

Training in sports law successfully accomplished

Attorney-at-law Radina Vakrilova and associate Filena Vassileva from our team took part in a two-day seminar on sports law – one of the areas in which YNG Legal.

Join the Artists’ Rights Forum

About the event

In Bulgaria, practice shows that the rights of actors are not properly valued. The purchase of rights in advance together with remuneration for work performed does not allow for additional economic realisation for performing artists from future uses of the works with their participation. But this situation is far from immutable!

Together with our partners the Institute of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer “Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov” (IISTT) of the UNWE and the collective rights management organization “ArtistAuthor” we organize a forum “Performing Artists’ Rights”. It will take place on 27 February at 09:30 in the Large Conference Hall of the UNWE.

To participate, you need to register by filling in the online form from this link or the button below.

Корица за форума за правата на артистите с логата на „АртистАутор“, Института по интелектуална собственост и технологичен трансфер „проф. д-р Борислав Борисов“ (ИИСТТ) на УНСС и на YNG Legal. Корицата включва и тематична снимка на камера.

With our partners, we recognize that there is a need for regular awareness campaigns that present well-structured information on performing artists’ rights in today’s business environment. The forum will address issues essential to enhancing the competitiveness of actors. The topics discussed will also be relevant for performing artists other than actors, for producers, lawyers, intellectual property specialists, communicators, students.


During the forum, experts from academia and practice will address the following topics:

  • collective management of intellectual property rights;
  • the role of the Ministry of Culture in collective rights management;
  • amendments to the Copyright and related rights act;
  • specificities of artists’ contracts.


               09:30 | Registration

               10:00 – 10:10 | Welcome speech by the Rector of the UNWE

               10:10 – 10:35 | Collective Rights Management. The role of ArtistAuthor

Speakers Simeon Hristov, Executive Director of the organization and Att. Ivan Yankov from YNG Legal

               10:35 – 11:00 | The role of the Ministry of Culture in collective rights management

               Speaks as. Dr. Stefan Radev from UNWE

               11:00 – 11:10 | Break

               11:10 – 11:30 | Amendments to the Copyright and Related Rights Act

               Att. Ivan Yankov and Att. Yordan Vladov from YNG Legal

               11:30 – 11:50 | Performing Artists Contracts

Dr. Ivan Nachev, Director of the Institute of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, speaks

               11:50 – 12:30 | Discussion

About our partners

The Institute of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer “Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov” (IISTT) is a core unit of the UNWE that conducts research and assists business and government on intellectual property and technology transfer issues. IISTT works in close research and expert cooperation with a number of national and international organisations, such as the World Intellectual Property Organisation, the European Patent Office and the European Union Intellectual Property Office, the Executive Agency for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, employers’ organisations, creative industries, lawyers, industrial property attorneys and others.

ArtistAuthor” is a collective rights management organisation registered with the Ministry of Culture. The association has been taking care of collective representation, management and protection of the rights of performing artists in Bulgaria since 1998. More than 340 professional Bulgarian performing artists are members of ArtistAuthor.

How can artistes protect their rights after changes to the Bulgarian Copyright Act?

At the end of 2023, significant changes to the Bulgarian Copyright and Related Rights Act were adopted. The aim was to harmonise the national legislation with the European legal framework – namely, by introducing two directives: 2019/789 and 2019/790.

These changes were largely driven by the digitalization of the market and the innovations in the distribution of various products subject to copyright and related rights.

One of the most crucial amendments is the abolition of the 10-year limitation on contracts with authors and performers for the use of works. It is now possible to enter into contracts for the full term of protection of the rights of both authors and performers – 70 years after the death of the author and 50 years after the date of the performance for the performers, subject to only a single payment for use.  

However, the amendments also provide for a right to additional remuneration where the original agreed remuneration proves disproportionate. As the protection of this right is difficult to achieve in practice, the importance of initial fair negotiation becomes even more important.

It is precisely the proper understanding of the rights and obligations in the proposed text of the contract that enable the right holders to negotiate adequate terms.

If you need help doing so, YNG Legal are here to assist.

Changes to the Bulgarian Copyright act, end of 2023 brochure

Seminar: Fair payment for actors and their rights

"According to the law
and not to a script. "

Корица за събитието за правата на артистите с логата на YNG Legal и „АртистАутор“ и стилизирани изображения в стилистиката на киното и театъра

How often do you get paid a small lump sum for an acting or other artistic engagement, such as a role or voiceover in a film or TV series? Even without a contract?

And did you know that in addition to being paid for your creative work, you are also entitled to be paid for the buyout of your performance rights, and only for certain purposes and time periods?

Come on May 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the G8 Cultural Center on ul. “Gladstone 8 to learn more about your rights as an artist, best practices and the ins and outs of negotiating for various productions, and how to protect your intellectual work, even with unfavorable contract language.

You are welcome on 18 May at 7:30 pm at the G8 Cultural Centre, “Gladstone” str. 8 to learn more about your rights as an artist, best practices and the ins and outs of negotiating for various productions, and ways to protect your intellectual work, even with unfavorable contract texts.

In Bulgaria, practice shows that actors’ rights are not properly valued and are bought out in advance along with the remuneration for the work. This does not allow for additional economic realisation for the performing artists from future uses of the works with their participation.

The seminar is jointly organised by “Artistautor”, the Association for the Protection of Performing Artists’ Rights, and YNG Legal.

The event will take place in two parts of 40 minutes each, with the opportunity to ask questions.
It is especially suitable for practicing actors.
Entry is free for freelance artists.

We are running the event in partnership with the collective rights management organisation “ArtistAuthor”. The association takes care of collective representation,
management and protection of the rights of performing artists in Bulgaria since 1998. Over 340 professional Bulgarian performing artists are members of ArtistAuthor.